The Raisins

We consider in our production a number of varieties, from light to dark, all depending on the requests of our customers. We group each one of them, according to the production model in brunettes -natural drying- and golden -industrial drying-.

Productions of  Raisins

Dentro de las claras empacamos uvas pasas de Thompson Seedless y Sugraone. En cuanto a las variedades oscuras manejamos stock de Flame Seedless, Black Seedless, entre otras.

Drying consists of the manufacturing process of brown raisins consists of drying under the warm sun of the Copiapó valley, where in the harvest period they usually reach an average of 35 ºC, which allows the fruit to be dehydrated in short periods of time without losing its organoleptic characteristics.

On the other hand, the industrialized process of drying golden raisins involves forced dehydration in properly prepared ovens in order to obtain a product with a homogeneous, intense and natural color, with an accentuated fruity flavor.
A delight!

Product Offered


The product offered is raisins packed in corrugated cardboard boxes of 10K net. Inside a high-density polyethylene bag that maintains a humidity of 15-18% at a temperature of 10 ºC.


The sizes depending on the varieties range from:
6.0 - 8.9 mm for "small" format,
9.0 -11.9 mm for "medium" format and
12++ mm for "jumbo" calibers.

Drying type

The client can opt for products with normal drying in the sun or with an oven in an industrialized process.

Distribution units

The minimum distribution unit is the pallet with 100 boxes, with a height of 2.10 m in 40' HCC containers.

Base for multiple Recipes

Raisins are used in bakery recipes, confectionery, gourmet cuisine, ice cream parlors, typical dishes and in endless situations depending on each culture. It is a multifaceted food.

A healthy snack

An alternative to conventional sugar, high in fibers, mineral salts, proteins, organic acids and antioxidants, therefore an excellent ideal food for athletes, students and the elderly.

Important source of vitamins

An excellent source of carotenes, vitamins B and B6, Pantothenic Acid, folic acid, Nicotinamide and vitamin C. An incomparable source!

Work for small producers

In addition to all of the above, our company focuses on and supports small producers of raisins in the Copiapó area, therefore, not only do I consume a food of excellent quality, but it also supports the work of the northern Chilean communities.